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Marketplace Seller Reviews

Payless Daily Marketplace Seller Reviews are written by customers who have purchased products from a seller other than

The reviews are not about the products themselves, but about the quality of service the retailer provides and their experience with shipping and delivery.

Submit a Product Review

If you make a purchase from a Marketplace Seller, you will receive emails inviting you to review both the seller and the product a few weeks following your purchase. Use the links provided in your email to access the review forms.

Marketplace Seller Review Guidelines

Please keep in mind the following guidelines when reviewing a Marketplace Seller. Clear and specific feedback ensures your review is posted for others’ benefit.

Reviews for Marketplace Sellers must be submitted in English and meet all of the following guidelines:

  • Focus solely on your experience with the seller, including their delivery time, shipping methods, and customer service.
  • Provide specific details about what you did or didn't like about your experience.
  • Keep in mind that all submitted reviews are subject to the terms set forth in our Terms of Use and the purpose of submitting a seller review is to provide insight for other customers who are considering purchasing from the same seller.

We reserve the right not to post a review if it contains any of the following:

  • Any information not related to the seller
  • Obscenities, defamatory language, or other language not suitable for a public forum
  • Prices, advertisements, content considered as spam, or references to other products, offers, websites, or competitors
  • Email addresses, phone numbers, links to websites, physical addresses, or other forms of contact information
  • Critical or spiteful comments about other reviews or reviewers
  • Retailer reviews will not be posted if the reviewer does not have direct experience purchasing from the seller

You may rate a seller one time for each order you place with that seller. New reviews display on the website within 5-7 business days. If you have submitted a review recently, check back soon to see it posted to the site.

If you need to discuss your order with a Marketplace Seller, please contact them directly. Please do not submit requests for assistance using this forum, customer care associates do not monitor reviews and are not be able to assist with requests made through this forum.

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