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Items Sold by Marketplace Sellers

Your orders

When you purchase an item from a Marketplace Seller, you can see the seller’s name listed with the Order Details in your Purchase History. Marketplace Seller names are found next to the Sold & Shipped by label. If you would like to contact a Marketplace seller regarding your order, reach out to them directly.

Payless Daily regularly reviews seller performance. We recognize sellers with a Pro Seller badge on the item page when the seller has achieved a high level of service and performance for on-time delivery and is enrolled in our free online mail back returns program. These sellers also accept returns in our stores.

If you would like to return an item sold by a Marketplace seller, review the Payless Daily Marketplace Return Policy.

Communicate with a Marketplace Seller

After you make a purchase, if you must speak with the Marketplace Seller, you can initiate communication from your account on

  • Payless Daily requires sellers to respond to customer emails within 48 hours of receiving the message.
  • Payless Daily keeps a copy of each email sent and received; we may review them to resolve disputes, improve customer experience, and assess seller performance.

Benefits of communicating directly with a Marketplace Seller include:

  • By starting the communication through our website using the Contact Seller link, we create an encrypted email address for the seller to use to reach you.
  • The seller response will arrive in your own personal email account.
  • This means that you can use your normal email application (Outlook, Gmail etc.) to receive messages from the seller and to reply to those messages.
  • Direct communication with sellers is quick and easy using this method, and it means our Customer Care agents can review the communication (if, on a rare occasion, any issues arise).

To communicate with a Marketplace Seller from Your Account:

  1. Go to your account.
  2. Locate the order with the item you want to contact the Marketplace Seller about.
  3. Select See Details (next to order number and date).
  4. On the Order Details page, select Contact Seller.

If you checked out as a Guest:

  1. Select the Account on the home page.
  2. Select Track Orders.
  3. Enter the email address used to place the order and the last 6 digits of your order number.
  4. Select View Order Status.
  5. On the Order Details page, select Contact Seller.

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