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What are the benefits of using organic liquid seaweed fertilizer?

Organic seaweed fertilizers, made from kelp, add dozens of minerals, vitamins and other beneficial components to plants. Healthy plants can cope with environmental stresses such as heat, cold, wind, drought and disease. In addition, research has shown that quality liquid seaweed can help control pests such as spider mites.

How does fish fertilizer differ from seaweed fertilizer?

Fish fertilizers have much less oceanic nutrients than seaweed fertilizers, but more nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and whole proteins and fats. Use both fish and seaweed fertilizers for best results.

What type of seaweed fertilizer should I use?

Kelp plant food should be used without heat and high pressure so beneficial components aren't destroyed. Be sure the fertilizer has no toxic chemicals like potassium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide.