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Marketplace Sellers on Payless Daily

We partner with our Marketplace sellers to make millions of products available to you on paylessdailyonline.com. This means more brands and wider selections for you. These sellers also accept returns in our stores.

Only qualified businesses can sell on Payless Daily Marketplace. Our selection process looks at the seller’s catalog, operations, and other business information. This helps us ensure they can give the same high-quality experiences to all our paylessdailyonline.com customers.

Payless Daily doesn't share your financial information with any seller. 

Payless Daily regularly reviews seller performance. Sellers who give the best service earn a Pro Seller badge on the item page. You can find Sellers names next to the sold and shipped by label.

If Payless Daily fulfills your item:

If Payless Daily fulfills your Marketplace item, the seller keeps their inventory at Payless Daily fulfillment centers. Payless Daily will pick, pack, and ship the item(s) to you. From your Payless Daily account, you can manage your order questions without having to contact the seller. You can:

  • Track items
  • View Returns/Replacements
  • View Refunds

Contact the seller with questions about:

  • Item specifications
  • Technical support
  • Any applicable warranties

If your item sold and shipped by a Marketplace seller:

  • You get the same secure checkout process and single payment that you have come to expect when shopping at paylessdailyonline.com.
  • Contact the seller directly for any problem with your order.
  • If the seller doesn’t solve your issue, Payless Daily Customer Care is available to help following the Payless Daily Marketplace Promise
  • If you want to return an item sold and shipped by a Marketplace seller, you can return it to a Payless Daily store within 30 days without a box or shipping label. Please review the Marketplace Return Policy for more information.

Contacting a Seller

If you contact a seller about your purchase. Contact them from your account on paylessdailyonline.com.

  • Sellers must respond to customers within 48 hours of receiving the message.
  • Payless Daily keeps copies of each email between you and the seller from your order details in your account. We will review them to resolve disputes, improve customer experience, and assess seller performance.

Benefits of contacting a seller directly:

  • By going through our website using the Contact Seller link, we create an encrypted email address for the seller to use to reach you.
  • The seller response will arrive in your own personal email account (Outlook, Gmail, etc.). You can reply directly to those messages. Customer Care agents can review the contact (if, on a rare occasion, any issues arise).

Contacting a seller from Your Account:

  1. Go to your account.
  2. Find the order with the item you want to contact the seller about.
  3. Select See Details (next to order number and date).
  4. On the Order Details page, select Contact Seller.

Walmart Marketplace Promise

This promise gives you peace of mind when buying items sold and shipped by our third-party sellers.

The promise applies in the following cases:

  • Three or more days have passed since the expected delivery date, and you haven't received the item.
    • If you request a refund, we accept requests for 30 days after the last estimated delivery date of the item you ordered.
  • Tracking shows the item hasn't shipped to the shipping address.
  • You received items(s) different than expected and the seller refused the return.
  • Your item returned with a trackable shipping method and the seller hasn't issued you a refund within 48 hours of receipt.
  • The seller has taken the cost of return shipping fees, and the return was at the fault of the seller.

Payless Daily will contact the seller and give them the chance to make it right. The seller has 48 hours to find a satisfactory resolution. If you’re not satisfied, Payless Daily will step in and find the right final solution.

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